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Fnia Henry Stickmin

Featured Content Ellie Rose is the tritagonist and the only important female character in the Henry Stickmin series. She is the deuteragonist of Fleeing the Complex as well as the overall tritagonist of 'Completing the Mission.' She is a fearless action girl who enjoys action, missions, and fights. She eventually becomes entrapped by The Wall. Ellie becomes Henry's dedicated companion and ally if he chooses to take her with him to escape, becoming either the Right Hand Lady of the Toppat Clan or working in the Government alongside Henry and Charles. If Henry chooses to leave her behind and go on his own, she incites a mutiny against Henry and becomes their new leader, commanding the respect of the clan's members. Continue reading...

"In each of the games, Henry Stickmin will make you want to witness every single fail and collect every single bio card. The jokes in this game are so smart that they will have you rolling on the floor laughing or at the very least making you giggle!" -Gamers of Cyberspace

All of the previous games have been remastered, and a completely new game has been included to round out the package. Henry Stickmin is a point-and-click, choose-your-own-adventure game series that emphasizes on consequences and decisions. It's a bit misleading to call it a choose-your-own-adventure game series since most options have three fail states and one pass state (that being said, there are sometimes branching paths). Failing, on the other hand, has never been more enjoyable than in The Henry Stickmin Collection. What makes The Henry Stickmin Collection so enjoyable to play isn't a top-tier combat system, a compelling cinematic experience, AAA production standards, hundreds of hours of content, or a plethora of game modes, including multiple types of multiplayer and co-op. In truth, Henry Stickmin has none of these characteristics. Henry Stickmin, on the other hand, has all the heart in the world. It features hilarious fail states (the game makes excellent use of the fail state idea; I always wanted to fail in every conceivable manner before succeeding), humorous but endearing characters (Charles and Ellie are the best), and an unbelievable amount of ingenuity and enthusiasm.

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