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Hanahaki Disease Anime Base

Details of how Hanahaki Disease affects its victims vary depending on the tale, art, movie, poetry, or cosplay. However, the core idea is that it is a bodily representation of unrequited love that dies if not treated. What makes Hanahaki Disease so intriguing is that its medium is as beautiful as it is lethal. When a character contracts Hanahaki Disease, he starts coughing up flower petals. This is the first indication that they are in love with someone who, according to them, does not reciprocate their emotions. In most Hanahaki Condition fanworks, the patient conceals the symptoms at first, and as the disease grows, so does its flowery suffering. Flowers bloom in the character's body, generally in the lungs or heart, creating excruciating anguish. We know things are becoming bad when the character begins coughing up complete flowers instead of just the petals, whether it's a slow-moving or fast-moving sickness. By then, their lives are in grave danger.

www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hanahaki Disease

The Hanahaki Disease is an ailment caused by unrequited love in which the patient's throat fills up with flower petals, which they subsequently spew and cough up (sometimes even the flowers). One of the few ways for the sickness to âdisappearâ is if the affected person reciprocate the emotion (it cannot be addressed by friendship; it must be true sentiments of love).

There aren't many options for treating this condition. It comes to an end when the lover returns their sentiments (romantic love only; close friendship is insufficient) or when the sufferer dies. It is curable by surgical removal, however after the infection is removed, the victim's amorous emotions for their love simply and completely vanish. What are the ramifications? This sickness requires the Creature to make a DC 25 Constitution saving or cough up flower petals. It is a very uncomfortable feeling that might cause respiratory difficulty in the victim. When suffering from this condition, there is a high risk of suffocating. According to Inflict Wounds, they receive 3d10 necrotic damage. In addition, they must make a Wisdom saving (DC 25) or experience the full effects of Vicious Mockery, including damage. If they make a Natural 1 Wisdom save, they fully collapse in a coughing fit of tears and flower petals, counting as prone and disabled for 3d10 minutes. Possibility of choking and inflicting almost irreparable damage to the creature's lungs and breathing ability.

The Hanahaki Disease is an ailment caused by unrequited love, in which the patient's throat fills up with flower petals, which they subsequently spew and cough up (sometimes even the flowers). One of the few ways for the sickness to âdisappearâ is if the affected person reciprocate the emotion (it cannot be addressed by friendship; it must be true sentiments of love). The infection may also be removed surgically, but the sensations vanish along with the petals. If they pick the negative alternatives, or if the emotion is not returned in a timely manner, the patient's lungs will fill with flowers, causing them to choke. There is no particular flower for the condition, but it will be the crush's favorite sort of flower or color. We can only pray for the sufferers and hope that the crush's favorite flower isn't a rose. (The duration of the sickness varies from person to person. However, on average, it will endure up to 2 or 3 mouths, although it may just last a few weeks at times).

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