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Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark Harold The Scarecrow

Tommy Milner, No. 8 Bullies in movies are often the most dimwitted of the bunch, and Tommy Milner (Austin Abrams) in Scary Stories does little to change that. In truth, there would be no horrific tales for the kids to undergo if Tommy's actions at the opening of the film had not occurred.

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Harold is a well-known story from Alvin Schwartz's Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. It depicts the tale of two farmers who build a scarecrow called Harold and watch it come to life over time. This incredible mask is a stunning likeness of Harold. This stunning sculpt includes every detail of the Harold, including the Harold's long lifeless black hair, blank eyes, and dead teeth.


Harold appears in the film as a minor antagonist. Harold is depicted being thrashed by a high school student called Tommy in the film's opening scene. Tommy thrashes Harold with a baseball bat, hurls empty beer bottles at him, and yells at him. Tommy gets thrown out into the fields by his mother on Halloween night when he comes home intoxicated. Tommy walks past Harold and hits him again before returning to his job, saying, "Eat crap, Harold!" Following that, Tommy becomes nervous and thinks Harold is following him, prompting Harold to pursue after Tommy. While being pursued, Tommy stabs Harold in the abdomen with a pitchfork. Harold, unfazed, takes the pitchfork from his body and, as Tommy attempts to flee again, stabs Tommy in the back with it, turning Tommy into a scarecrow.

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