Where does Free Comic Book Day take place? Thousands of retailers have given away millions of FCBD comic books since the event's inception in 2002. The event became so popular that it has spread beyond the United States, with celebrations now taking place in Asia, Canada, Europe, and Australia. While not every comic book store participates in Free Comic Book Day, its growing popularity has made it easier for fans to find comic book-related events on May 1st.
For longtime fans, the more intriguing of the two releases will be DCs Generation Zero, which the company describes as laying the groundwork for even more seismic-level changes in the DC Universe.
The first of the issue's two stories appears to further the creation of the new DC timeline that the publisher has been teasing since last year's New York Comic-Con. Wally West, the former Flash who has been trapped in the multiverse as part of the current Flash Forward miniseries, sacrifices himself for the greater good, only to discover the true past, present, and future of the DC Universe, as well as what needs to be changed, according to DC.
Free Comic Book Day hopes to continue and expand on this momentum. Even if it is only for a few months, there is often a noticeable retention of new customers. Publishers are aware of this and have responded by introducing new stories. Almost half of the 50-odd titles that we have will be new exclusive material. It was created for Free Comic Book Day, and it isn't just for people who haven't read comics before, according to Huang.
Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), one of the comic book industry's most beloved and anticipated events, will return as a single-day event on Saturday, August 14, 2021. The event, which is usually held on the first Saturday in May, will be held in August 2021 in the hopes that much of the uncertainty and disruption caused by COVID-19 will have passed. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Free Comic Book Day, and plans to commemorate the occasion include themed t-shirts, posters, and a 20th anniversary logo.