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D&D Night Forest Battle Map

Map Pack for Svalich Woods This item is ideal for your Barovian journey! There is a complete preview available to give you an idea of the maps accessible in this package. Most of them have many variants to accommodate various scenarios. You can also use this as a frightening forest in any environment. License These maps are free to use for both personal and business purposes. They may be changed,... [More information may be found here] $4.99 for Dungeon Masters Guild

Your maps must be large enough to accommodate whatever element of the tale is going place on them. Battle layouts might constrict your players, forcing them to battle in close quarters, or they can be spacious, allowing your ranged players to shine the brightest. It takes experience to get the hang of map size, and new DMs would be wise to try some pre-gen adventures to acquire a sense of how maps operate as well as how your players prefer to play.

To construct mountains, I begin with a single peak (/). Then, slightly to the right of it, construct another complete peak (/ /). Draw two smaller peaks (//) in between these two peaks. Draw a jagged line from the top to the base of each peak. Fill in one half of the mountain face for each peak, but be sure to fill in the same half each time (always the right, or always the left). This will give your mountains some depth while keeping them basic and easy to sketch. Deserts

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