Yo Gabba Gabba is a comic instructional musical children's television series created by Americans, Canadians, and Scots. DJ Lance and five costumed full-body puppet figures make up the Gabbas (Muno, Plex, Foofa, Toodee, and Brobee). Muno's sister Chibo, his brother Gogo, his parents, Foofa's brother Foofle, Toodee's brother Keedee, Gooble, Sparkles the Unicorn-Giraffe, Barbara the Bird Lady and her daughter Lola, and the band the Yo Dazzlers have all featured on occasion. Several animated characters have also appeared. The six main protagonists initially debuted in the first episode Eat, which was shot at Downey Studios and broadcast on August 20, 2007.
Foofa is a pink and joyful carnation pink female cornflower bubble that is one of the major characters of Yo Gabba Gabba! Living in Foofa country, a spring meadow filled with flowers and sunlight that lies between Muno and Brobee land. Along with Toodee, she is the show's first female character. She has a big brother called Fooful who enjoys surfing. She loves unicorns, rainbows, and flowers, and she performs in the show's band on the tambourine. Watering cornflowers, whistling, playing her tambourine, and riding her bike are some of her pastimes.
Toodee is a fun-loving cat dragon and one of the major characters of Yo Gabba Gabba! She resides in the aptly called Toodee land, an arctic winter-themed realm next to Brobee land. She is the main character's second female, after Foofa. Plex is a good friend of hers, and she is also the Gabba Band's bassist. Her interests include ice skating, bass playing, surfing, and tap dancing. Toodee has a younger brother called Keedee. [] Photo Gallery
Foofa is a kind, kind-hearted, giggly, compassionate, joyful, and very sociable person who is not scared to make new acquaintances. She might be a little sensitive around animals and feels like she's about to give up but never does. She, too, enjoys watching, feeding, and petting the animals at Gabba Land, especially the lovely newborn animals. Foofa loves everything beautiful and fluffy, including unicorns in her fantasies. She enjoys her acreage with all of the many sorts of flowers scattered across it, so she spends her time taking care of them and smelling the beauty of the area. She is extremely artistic with her painting abilities and seems to be a girly-girl throughout the most of the episode. She may even get her hands filthy (literally) by planting on her farm. Foofa can also quiet down animals or her companions when they are worried, even if she needs to soothe Muno on several occasions, and even offer them some token of affection. Trivia