This quirk is inspired by Marvel's Scarlet Witch and Seven Deadly Sins' Gowther! When you use this quirk, you can communicate, manipulate, and move objects with your mind/power. You have the ability to change someone's mind and memories. You may also use minimal force to demolish objects and shift them from one location to another. When used, this quirk has no physical effect on you.
These abilities range from the typical Superman-like to the truly weird. Even in a world where you're nearly certain to have some form of strange ability, not all oddities are made equal. There are many of characters in My Hero Academia that have modest telekinesis or are literally a talking mouse for every hero who can fly or cling to walls. With that in mind, we've ranked some of My Hero Academia's finest and worst idiosyncrasies, including heroes, villains, students, and vigilantes.
There are several amazing peculiarities in My Hero Academia, and in a show that prides itself on constantly adding dominating characters, it might be difficult to draw the line and pick out the best of the best. The audience, on the other hand, can tell who the heroes and villains are.
Midoriya Izuku, called Deku, is a character with many idiosyncrasies. To be more specific, he has six distinct sorts of oddities that were formerly possessed by past bearers of One For All. However, depending on how you look at it, these quirks may be regarded a component of One For All, resulting in Midoriya having just one quirk. As previously stated, the inherent idiosyncrasies of the holders are kept inside One For All's core and handed on to the subsequent user due to its stockpiling and transference nature. Midoriya is the first OFA bearer to acquire access to these peculiarities and exploit them to his advantage.