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Josuke Soft And Wet

Josuke Soft And Wet Ability

Josuke Soft And Wet Stand

Mundane Utility: The residents of Shakedown Road frequently employ the Les Feuilles effect to generate filthy money. Our Ghosts Are Unique: One plausible explanation is that the ginkgo trees themselves are the "user," with the Stand only a byproduct of the Holy Corpse's impact on the surrounding region that lingered after Johnny sought to use it to rescue his wife and kid. However, as Johnny descends on the ginkgo leaves to transfer Rina's illness onto himself, his skull is crushed nearly instantly by a boulder, implying Les Feuilles was present the entire time.

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Soft & Wet (1214 (), Sofuto Ando Wetto) is Josuke Higashikata's stand, which was formerly owned by Josefumi Kujo and is featured in JoJolion. Soft & Wet is a humanoid Stand with a sleek, robotic shape that is light in color, and âSoft & Wet (1214 (), Sofuto Ando Wetto) is the Stand of Josuke Higashikata, once belonging to Josefumi Kujo, portrayed in JoJolion. Soft & Wet is a humanoid Stand with a sleek, robotic shape, a light hue, and a height similar to Josuke. A five-pointed star surrounded by a circle sits atop its head. Horns that are nearly two-thirds the breadth of its head sprout from the area of the ears and are formed like tapering pentagrammic prisms. It features circular eyes that are formed like slotted screw heads.

Josuke Higashikata Soft And Wet Stand

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