Please accept my apologies for the poor image quality. My most recent masterpiece I've been creating so much digital art with my tablet lately that I haven't done a genuine painting in quite some time. So, I began this on Christmas Eve but have just now finished it. This is a painting that measures 18 × 20 inches and depicts three of my favorite anime/video game characters. Toushiro Hitsugaya (old look) from Bleach is on top, Heine Rammsteiner from Dogs: Bullets and Carnage is on the left, and Vergil from Devil May Cry is on the right. I like working on sectioned works with a variety of characters. I admire these three men, but I don't own any of them. This was painted using acrylics and took around 8 hours to complete. I'm hoping everyone enjoys it!
Who is your favorite blue-haired anime character? Although it is not the most prevalent hair color, there are some fantastic personalities that sport a blue do. Characters with blue hair of any color are accepted, including those with dark blue hair, such as Kamina from, and teal-haired characters, such as the pantsless Franky from. In real life, you may not see many individuals with blue hair, but in anime, any hair color is considered normal. Who is your favorite anime character with blue hair? There are several classic anime characters that fulfill the criterion, such as Rae Ayanami, as well as some recent stars, such as Gintoki Sakata from. Vote for your favorites below, and please add anybody who isn't currently on the list. Check out our lists of the finest anime characters with pink and orange hair as well!
One Sunday comic of FoxTrot depicts Jason seeking (and presumably receiving) hair gel from his mother, brother, and sister, revealing that he was preparing for a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament by styling his hair like Yugi's. Jason's father, who is balding, is irritated that he didn't at least ask if he had any hair gel to borrow. Fan Operation
The hairdo also suited her exuberant attitude, as well as her anxious demeanor when she was first overwhelmed by her new obligations as Gym Leader. This agitated demeanor reappeared when she faced Ash in a difficult Gym Battle, resulting in her loss and Ash obtaining the Heat Badge. 2 Senku Ishigami's hair was adorned with ombre spikes (Dr. Stone)